Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! I have been for gone over a month now, and let me tell you, I missed blogging! I missed crafting. I missed you guys!
First of all, we had a great summer holiday. Two weeks with the family in the Midwest, and it was HOT. That just enabled us to go swimming every day, lay in front of the fan (something we never get a chance to do in Scotland), eat ice lollies every day, and sometimes twice a day!
Second, we moved. Succesfully, or at least, it is done! The house sale was final the beginning of August, and it was such a pain and so stressful, I couldn't be more glad it is over. All of the boxes are unpacked, and I LOVE our new house. I will post some pictures of my craft room as soon as I feel it is clean enough. I am still trying to get organized, without spending any money............
Here are a few pictures of the house though, it is a stone farmhouse in the Scottish Highlands. Gorgeous.
View from the font door |
So what if when it rains the water turns murky/golden from the peat in the soil. So what if we have to turn the heating on in August because it is grey and cold. It is relaxation itself. Today the sun is shining and everything in my little world seems perfect. Except........
I have to got to the library each and every day to check my email, and since I teach online, things are difficult. But still, it is only a hiccup on the road, and should be sorted by the end of August. At least, that is what I am telling myself. So my blog posts will be scattered here and there, but I'll try to get one out every Friday, since creative/crafty/wooly Friday is my very favorite blog day of the week.
Once final note, to tie into kntiting/crafting. I finally have a local wool/craft shop. It is right in the local high street, and full of the most gorgeous wool I have ever seen. An added bonus is that they offer classes. The first one (for me) is in September, and it is wool felting a bag. I can't wait, I've already signed up!
View of the village |
View of the village and river |