My Free Patterns

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This week is all about squares!!  I've finished all my home-made Christmas presents, but my hands cannot be idle for long.  I've throw myself back into knitting (and now crocheting) blanket squares for my favourite charity, KAS.  The squares need to be 8x8" and can be in any design or colour.  I like to mix it up, and since my Mother-in-law gave me a blanket square book for my birthday this year, I've quite a few to choose from.  If you are interested in knitting for charity, then click on the link below and look around. Or email me and I'll have a chat about it.  The blankets go to children in South Africa, often left orphaned by AIDS.  A truly worthwhile cause!

First I knit this one:
It is called mollusks

Then I knit this one:

called fishing net

Then I decided I would give crocheting a try.  A while back I was given all of my Grandma's crochet hooks, and they've been languishing unused while I got my head around knitting. Now, with the help of a very useful link, I crochet my first blanket square.  Here is the site I used: 

Here is picture of my first square (yes, I know it is full of errors and sort of squint, but I am proud non-the-less).

After that I used a prettier yarn and made another, which I am much more
pleased with.

Then I crocheted a few more, because it is fast and really addictive.  I would like to try a granny square next, but I can't get my head around it.  Let me know if you have any tips!

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