Hello to any friends that are still out there!! It has been months since I've been in this space, and I have been busy! We bought a small farm in February of last year, and right after we got moved in and got settled, I started gardening in a big way. We had a big (and productive) vegetable garden, which meant lots of weeding, canning, freezing and eating all summer long. We also have 15 chickens, 2 cats (in addition to the 2 dogs) and we raised a sheep. We had a great time, and developed a lot of goals for next year.
I have been knitting all the time I'm wasn't blogging, sometimes less, and sometimes more, but now that it is winter, it is definitely more.
Recently I finished the Unity Pullover, from the book Finish-Free Knits. I used up some yarn I had purchased for a different project (Drops Alaska and Drops Big Delight), but ended up not making. Now, I should say that I am not normally a fan of so much color--but the yarn is pure wool and I figured it would keep me warm outside this winter. Oh man does it ever--I love how warm and comfortable this sweater is. Plus, it was easy and fast.
I didn't knit a whole lot of Christmas presents this year, but I did make three of my co-workers Gap-tastic cowls.
I've got a few more things to share, if I can get pictures taken. I'm also working on a cardigan for myself, and a pullover sweater for Dave. Fun!!
Take care, and thanks for stopping by.