Well, things have really been slowing down around here, and I've been spending time thinking about what to knit next. Of course there are loads of things swirly around in my head, I guess I'll just wait to see what comes to the surface first. In the meantime, here's a long back story you can read only if you want to.
When I was 17 my older sister got married, and in the first year or two of their marriage they took a trip to Europe. They went to the UK, Ireland, France, and who knows where else. This was of course waaaaay before I knew I'd end up living in the UK, or travelling anywhere at all. Funny where life takes us. But I digress. She sent me postcards from each place (isn't she a good sister) and brought me back a few presents. One thing she brought we was a huge pair of wool socks from Ireland. They are gorgeous, see:

I lived in California at the time, so had no need for them. However like the pack rat I am, I've been lugging these socks around for (oh my goodness I just did the math) 17 years (and now I feel old). Finally, I've been putting them to good use. I like to wear them over my regular socks, and pulled over the bottom of my trousers in my snow boots. My feet feel invincible!! So in honour of my Irish socks I've cast on a pair of pure wool socks myself. Yes, we are back to my sock drama. I've cast on 2 different socks already and finished neither. Sigh. What is it about me? But I have hopes this time, last night I turned the heel so of course now there is no stopping me. Here is a picture I took before I turned the heel:
They won't be quite as long as my Irish socks, but hopefully they will be warm and make good over-socks as I like to call them. I am knitting them in left over Fisherman's Wool from my Tappan Zee cardigan. Yay for stash busting!
And lastly, just to bore you to tears, here is a picture of my nemesis:
Yes, you are probably thinking that it looks exactly the same as last week. No, I guarantee this is a new and different picture. This hat hates me! The first one I started was too small, which I discovered about 3 or 4 inches in. So I pulled it out and started over. I got about 1.5" into the ribbing when I noticed it was twisted. Yes, I knitted that much without noticing the HUGE TWIST in my ribbing. When I saw it I started doing this sort of hysterical maniacal laugh that made my husband stop and see what was wrong with me. I just thought it was so funny, and so annoying. So I pulled it out, and put it to bed for a while. The other night I got it out while I was watching tv and at least got the ribbing done for the edge. Now I'll start the pattern again and see how I get on.
As an aside to self, always take the time read other peoples comments on a pattern. Then I might have seen it was too small and cast on for a larger size. Now I have found quite a few helpful remarks that I will incorporate into my hat.
If you are still with me, please check out these blog hops, and other crafty people's WIP's!