My Free Patterns

Monday, October 11, 2010


Well I am really pleased to announce that I sold my first circular pin cushion on eBay today.  Ok, I didn't make that much money, but every little bit I do will go toward sending blankets and hats to children in South Africa.  I'm really pleased, and I hope the person that bought it likes it as much as I do!

On another topic, I found a quick, cute project yesterday.  It is a knitted flower!  There reason I went looking for a flower is all about a circular loom.  We were at Cost Co. the other day and couldn't resist buying a knitting kit with 12 balls of yarn, a circular hat loom, and a few other bits and pieces.  I knocked out my first hat pretty quickly, but it looked a bit bland to me.  So I thought, why not embellish it with a flower, and the search began.

Is the site I found, and it only took about an hour to make it.  Give or take a bit, I had to keep getting up and helping the kids, hanging the laundry, you know what I mean.  Anyway, here  is mine:
I needed to use a thicker yarn for the middle bit, but not a bad first go I think.  I think if I persevere with the loom I'll try out a variety of flower patterns.

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