Welcome. I hope that your August is starting out as well as mine. I'm finding some serious crafting bliss.
I've been working on my scrap quilt pretty regularly, and all the pieces are now cut out. It is really very fun. There is a certain freedom using only what I have, no buying of any fabric has taken place. In fact, I've only spent a wee bit of money on thread (because I don't have much of that) and some batting. I've got four blocks quilted, and I'm ready to start joining the first row together. The quilt is a total of 16 blocks.
Seeing how the squares will look together |
I love that I can use scrap batting as well. I have always saved my left-overs, and this will pretty much clean me out. The book I'm using shows how to sew two scrap together and use them as well. Love! I also love that I can do it in bits and pieces. Tonight I plan on sewing at least two squares together. I've sort of put it off due to the hand sewing, but now I feel ready to tackle it.
In other exciting news, my new yarn order from Knit Picks arrived on Monday. It is enough for three sweaters. I'm very pleased the girls picked colors other than pink. We are making progress!The girls are both getting new cardigans, and I'm getting........ something when I get finished with the ridiculous amount of WIP's and new projects I'm about to start. It will probably be after Christmas by the time I get to use this gorgeous yarn.
Lastly, I'm seeing the end of my Braid hills. As always, I slowed way down on the sleeves, oh how I hate to knit them. And the first one was too small, so I had to rip it all the way back and knit it with no decreases. I'm guessing it will still be tighter than I'm used to, but some variety in my wardrobe would be a good thing. I just need to finish sleeve #2 and do the neck band. Hurray!
That's all for me, see you next week. I might even have a FO (but don't hold your breath!)