After reading this post you will probably think I am an uncontrollable sweets junky........and you aren't far off. I DO like my baked goods, and I feel that it is better for you, and your wallet, to make things yourself. It allows me to control what my children consume as well. They love to bake with me, and getting kids interested in cooking can only be a good thing. This post is titled baking round-up because it is what I've been baking (and enjoying) the last several weeks. I'd like to do a post like this maybe once a month, with simple, tasty treats. Go on, be nice to yourself.
Lemon Squares!
Timeless and delicious. I use the recipe from my Better Homes and Garden cookbook (a.k.a. the red and white chequered one), and you can find it here:
I cut the recipe in 1/2 and make it in an 8x8 pan.
The girls like juicing the lemons.
A powdered sugar shaker is a girls best friend.
These little beauties are scrummy! I made them slightly differently than the recipe. After they are cooked I brush butter on the top with a silicone pastry brush, then sprinkle the cinnamon sugar. Excellent with a cup of tea.
Lime Bundt Cake
I had a few limes I needed to use up, so I went looking for a nice lime cake recipe. The recipe I've linked to is actually for an orange bundt cake, but it was very tasty with lime.
It has a lovely tangy citrus glaze, which my girls weren't too crazy about, but my husband who doesn't love baked good like I do, really liked.
I kept catching him sneaking extra pieces.
That always makes me happy though.
Lastly, the humble
My kids LOVE to cut scones out in fun shapes, and I love to eat fun shaped scones, so it's a win win situation. And yes, there is a bat on that tray, I'm just not sure why.
I use the basic scone recipe from this cookbook:
I got this cookbook as a gift years ago when my girls were small(er) and I still use it. There are some fun and really tasty recipes in it. However I linked up to Delia's recipe, because it appears to be about the same, and is free. This time we went all out and had them with strawberry jam and clotted cream. So indulgent, and so good! I don't have a picture of that though, we ate them too fast.
Happy Baking!
Here are some weekend blog hops:

Monday Blog Hops to Check Out: